"... leading the viewer on a voyage of discovery"

Christopher Beagley

Christopher Beagley has recently moved to live and work in Bungay, having resided for some time in the Republic of Ireland exploring self-sufficiency/sustainability.

The ethos of sustainability is continued through his reuse of glass and materials in the creation of his paintings, the paint being directly applied onto glass using oil and acrylic mediums.

Pieter Bruegel and Marc Chagall in particular have influenced his work which he describes as post punk primitive abstract. He endeavours to lead the viewer on a voyage of discovery.

Abstract artist
Christopher Beagely

previous exhibitions at the bell gallery

works previously at the bell gallery:

Any works listed as AVAILABLE can be purchased from the gallery, please call 01986 894456 or email: jackie@thebellgallery.com

OK Dave

Oil on glass
Framed 73cm x 103cm

Totem Of Paris

Oil on glass
Wcm x Hcm

Beastly Behaviour

Oil on glass
Framed 43cm x 54cm

Benito Baby Says No

Acrylic on glass
Framed 44cm x 54cm

Nomon For The Future

Acrylic on glass
Framed 30cm x 85cm

Travelling Day

Acrylic on glass
Framed 62cm x 52cm